Episode 60

Heart Of The Trial - Trailblazing Trials with Suzanne Turner

In this unique episode of Heart of the Trial, the tables are turned as Phil Pelucha from Billionaires in Boxes steps in as the guest host to interview the usual host, Suzanne Turner. Suzanne, a seasoned clinical trial expert, shares her journey, insights, and the vision behind her podcast.

Introduction to the Episode:

  - Phil Pelucha introduces himself and explains the role reversal for this episode.

  - Suzanne Turner, typically the host, becomes the guest to provide deeper insights into her career and the podcast’s mission.

The Mission of Heart of the Trial:

  Suzanne discusses the podcast's purpose: to bring positivity to the pharmaceutical industry by highlighting the passionate individuals behind clinical trials.

  - The podcast aims to demystify clinical trials for the public and provide valuable insights for industry professionals.

Suzanne’s Journey into Clinical Trials:

  - Suzanne shares her unconventional path from being a travel agent to becoming a TMF consultant.

  - The role of a Trial Master File (TMF) and its critical importance in clinical trials are explained.

Importance of TMF in Clinical Trials:

  - Detailed explanation of what a TMF is and why it’s vital for regulatory compliance and the success of clinical trials.

  - The evolution from paper-based TMFs to electronic TMFs and the impact on the industry.

Challenges and Misconceptions:

  - Discussion on the historical and ongoing challenges in the industry, including the sometimes adversarial relationship between sponsors and CROs.

  - Addressing misconceptions about the roles within clinical trials and the stigma around TMF work.

Industry Insights Post-COVID:

  - The impact of COVID-19 on the pharmaceutical industry and clinical trials.

  - The increased public scrutiny and mistrust in the industry and how transparency can help rebuild trust.

Future Episodes and Guests:

  - Suzanne’s plans for the upcoming episodes include various0 guests from different roles within the clinical trials industry.

  - It is important to understand each role’s contribution to the overall success of clinical trials.

Closing Thoughts:

  - Suzanne’s vision for the podcast is to celebrate the hard work of individuals in the industry and educate the public.

  - Phil and Suzanne wrap up with final words of encouragement and excitement for the future episodes.

How to Get in Touch:

- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/turnersuzannem

- Email: podcast@iceconsultingllc.com

- Website: http://www.iceconsultingllc.com

Subscribe & Follow:

Stay updated with the latest episodes of Heart of the Trial by subscribing on your favorite podcast platform. Follow us on social media for behind-the-scenes content and updates.

Tune In Next Time:

Join Suzanne Turner as she returns to the host seat to interview industry experts, share inspiring stories, and explore the world of clinical trials.

About the Podcast

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Billionaires In Boxers Global
Unknown to Unrivalled.

About your host

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Phil Pelucha

BiB host -

Phil Pelucha is an internationally renowned Business Consultant, Producer & Director, best known for ‘Billionaires in Boxers.’

A former professional athlete, top 5% podcaster with over 10k hours of podcasting & Satellite Television content. He is famous for his ability to take your business from Unknown to Unrivalled.

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